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We created this service to support creative users from Russia who do not have enough platforms to showcase their talents. Each person has unique and interesting stories that they want to share with others. That is why you can publish your content with us: from author's articles to photos and videos, without restrictions.

Our service provides an opportunity for each blogger to independently determine the degree of their openness. And if you don't know how to become a blogger, you can start from our website. You will be able to choose whether you want to share your content for free or offer paid content. We value your freedom of choice and strive to create a comfortable space for self-expression.

On our platform you will find many interesting bloggers who write about everything from travel and culture to science and technology. You will be able to enjoy a variety of topics and opinions, read about everything and share your thoughts with others.

Working on the Internet with the desired salary is not only complex IT specialties. A blogger's earnings depend on his creativity, willingness to open up and share. Look at examples of those photo bloggers and video bloggers who already publish their content on the site, and feel free to follow their example. You will definitely succeed and we will be glad to be a part of your success!
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