About Greatly.pro

“Declare yourself and get support” - for this very purpose we created the Greatly service . It is aimed at the development of blogging and the search for like-minded people who are ready to financially support the author for his unique content.


Our goal is to create a community of people who are able to appreciate and support the creativity of absolutely all users of the service.


What is the essence of the service?


At the moment, there are practically no sites left that would support creative users from Russia. However, they are no less talented and interesting. Therefore, we have created a service where you can share your content, publish author's articles, photos and videos without restrictions. At the same time, the blogger himself determines the degree of his openness. There are paid and free content for this.


How it works?


To post your own content, you must register on the site. By creating an account, you will have access to all the functionality of our site. After that, you can start posting content.


To enter the monetization, you must apply for the status of the seller. It's easy to do this:

  1. Post 5 photos.
  2. Publish 5 articles.
  3. Apply for seller status.


In a month, the service will provide the first payment. It is made on the cards of Sberbank and Tinkoff.


To promote your account, you can use a variety of methods and services. Share links to your content. This way you will attract users and get comprehensive support from them.


For subscribers, we provide convenient ways to replenish the account. So you can easily subscribe to the user you like.


What can be published as content?


We do not impose any hard restrictions on our users. However, there are materials that are prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation for distribution. They also cannot be published on our service.


You can share your life with followers. Talk about interesting things, communicate, etc. In fact, with us you can create your own fan club, regardless of what you do: painting, music, filming or writing interesting stories or novels.

Here you can always find the support that will help you move forward, learn something new and challenge yourself.

Paid content is up to you. You specify the subscription price from different cost levels. Organize a variety of online gatherings and publish interesting content.


Your creativity will be limitless. It is important for us that you develop with us and reach new heights.


Why should you use our service?


Any project requires money. However, it is often difficult to find them on a hobby. Therefore, it is worth enlisting the support of subscribers. It doesn't matter if you already have a certain number of social media followers or not. It's never too late to start.


Our platform is a tool through which creativity can develop and receive support. Direct communication with your followers is a great way to improve your content and grow on your own. You will know exactly their desires and preferences. Therefore, it is easier to create the desired products.


Gained an audience of regular subscribers? Great, move on! Create even more content, go out to create merchandise, etc. There are many ways to get support and you are not limited in any way. To do this, you just need to entice the user to sign up for a paid subscription to your content.


Develop, improve your creativity and the number of subscribers will grow. Interact with them as much as possible, and they will be more willing to support you financially.


What are the benefits of our service?


We analyzed similar sites and took only the best of them. This will give a huge impetus to the development of blogging. Your task is to create content, we will take care of the rest:

  • Receiving and processing payments is entirely up to us, as well as securing payments.
  • We provide a simple and understandable form of interaction between a blogger and subscribers.
  • We provide active technical support. You can contact us for any reason.


We are still a young service, which means we are ambitious and open. Any ideas how to improve performance? Contact us. We will gladly consider them and try to implement them.


For subscribers, we provide convenient ways to replenish the account. So you can easily subscribe to the user you like.

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